Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fun with Dress up

Paige is a girl who LOVES to play dress up. We thought that there was no better time to stock up on our dress up attire than right after Halloween. Nothing like catching a great sale on some fun stuff. We were able to get Paige some princess dresses (Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty), fire fighter outfit, cowboy hat, doctor scrubs and her favorite, the sombrero. The best part is that Paige keeps telling us it is her cowgirl hat. She puts it on and runs around saying "Yee Haw!". We tried to tell here that it wasn't a cowboy hat but she doesn't believe it.

So Mexican cowgirl it is.

Yee Haw!
It's a perfect fit...well, maybe.

1 comment:

Anne Hultgren said...

This is so cute! Yee haw to Paige!