Monday, September 29, 2008

Big day for a big girl

OK, if you don't have kids, you probably won't be interested in this. Today is a big day for Miss Paige. It will be her first full day in big girl underpants. She has been potty training for quite some time and she is now ready to give the big girl underpants a try. She has been doing that at school for quite some time, just not at home. Think dry thoughts for us. We'll know how successful it was if we pick her up and she is still in the same outfit. We can't believe she is already at this point in her life. We better prepare now for her drivers license. Life moves too fast!
UPDATE: So far, so dry! Yeah Paige!!


Mindy said...

This is big news! Yeah for Paige! Good luck to Mom Dad. ;0)

The Loverings said...

Way to go Paige! I will be sure to have Eve get the low down on using the potty from you!