Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Erin's baby shower

So I was the lucky one who got to go out to Erin's baby shower this past weekend. Poor Ryan didn't even get to go and see his own family. It was a quick trip but well worth it. I got to spend time with Erin and Ed as well as feel my new niece move! I'm her favorite auntie already :) Erin had a gorgeous baby shower and let me just say, that baby has everything she will ever need up until college. They whole event was quite impressive. Ed's mother leaves no stone unturned. After the shower I got to spend some time with Ryan's family in Hollis. Again, only for a night but great to catch up. It did, however, make me sad that I couldn't be around for everything. The thing that stinks for Ryan and I is that one of our families will always be far away, even after much pleading for them to move closer. That just makes us treasure the time that we do have together, because it isn't as frequent as we would like. The best part to come out of all of this is that I was able to volunteer my seat on the airplane and take a later flight (only 30 min later) in return for some vouchers for another flight. Without those vouchers, we might not have been able to return for Christmas this year. We rotate every year and it is our year to travel out East and we probably wouldn't have been able to go with how expensive everything is right now. So, keep your fingers crossed that we can find something reasonable. Thanks again to Erin and Dee for having me.

Sisters - don't we look alike

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